Show Information
What you will find on this page are scheduled shows that take place all over the United States and photos of the shows I have been to. The shows are spread out and do not occur in our area very often. Living in a hot and humid part of the US is a downfall to the chinchilla world. Most of the shows on the East Coast are going to be located in the north as there aren't many chinchilla breeders in our area and we still have hot winters where it is hard to keep a chinchilla in perfect prime.
Preparation for a show is a lot of work and does not happen over night. Chinchillas are shown from as early as 5 months old up to 2 years; some will still be in prime at older ages depending on your lines. Most that show will prepare animals for up to two months before the show. A quick rough groom with a #3 comb will allow for the release of dead fur and enough time for a small amount of fur to grow in. Knowing when your animals will be in prime based on your location and the date of birth also helps for you to figure out when to show your animals. We begin dusting every day with Blue Cloud dust for one to two months before the show. Cages should be cleaned more often to prevent urine stains. The week of the show, we stop dusting 48-72 hours before the show so that the dust has time to fall out of the fur so that the animals do not look dull on the show table from dust still trapped.
As you can see in the photos below, chinchilla shows are judged by fur quality only. It doesn't matter if your chinchilla is missing a tail, has only one eye, has a cropped ear or is the meanest chin that ever walked the face of the earth - it doesn't matter. The chinchillas are judged by the quality of what it would look like as a pelt, which is why you see there are pelt shows at Nationals. Without the pelt market, there would be no pet market. Chinchillas are placed in small metal cages that will be placed under show lights on a white background so that the fur can be judged properly. Qualities that are looked at include clarity, density, pattern, texture, veiling, strength, length, volume, size and conformation. It is almost impossible to have the "perfect" chinchilla that carries the best of these qualities. That is the point of chinchilla shows - to find out our weaknesses in our breeding animals so that we can pair our matings properly to work towards the "perfect" chinchilla.
You will see some amazing chinchillas in these photos, but photos do not show quality. Getting out to a show and learning what a quality chinchilla is - is an experience that should not be taken for granted. Distance is always a problem, but improving a species is a goal that should be considered and fought for. Ranchers spent many years to improve the species and now the quality is diminishing with the pet market and the need for "cute babies". We need more dedicated breeders in the south producing quality chinchillas as this is an area that backyard breeders are attempting to take over. Join a forum, find a mentor, and get out to a show to find out the quality of your animals and see if you're breeding correctly.
For more information, please visit my 'Show Breeding' link.

If you want to get into breeding, then you should want to breed the correct way, which involves showing your offspring. The animals that you purchase for breeding should be evaluated to compliment each other so that you can improve with each generation of offspring. In order to make sure you are following the right path, you must show the offspring to figure out how to pair them or if you should sell them. It's a constant game of pairing in order to improve and culling the offspring that aren't a means of improvement.
Before purchasing your first breeding animals, attend a show or two and learn a bit about quality. It takes gaining an eye and understanding the basic qualities to look for in each animal in order to make it in this business. There are field days, sanctioned shows and national shows each year in different regions that are great learning events. Educational seminars and shindigs / annual meetings are also great resources for anyone in the business. Join either of the organizations (ECBC or MCBA) to get monthly magazines with valuable information. It's also imperative to work with a knowledgeable mentor to guide you in the right direction.
One issue that I am noticing with newer breeders getting in is the lack of consideration for standard grays. Most want to start out with recessive or even double recessive mutations and do not care to start with the basics which are imperative. Standard Grays are the backbone of any herd. They should be used for herd improvement. All mutations should be bred back to quality standards or the quality will decrease with each generation. Even recessive mutations should go back to a standard to make fantastic carriers to improve.
In order to improve - you need to learn the quality characteristics that define an animal and whether an animal possesses or lacks these qualities. These include clarity, density, texture, smoothness, conformation, size, veiling, tight standup fur, white belly (except in ebony and eb crosses).
ECBC Southern Unit of the Ohio Branch
January 2011
Judge: Ralph Shoots
Statesville, North Carolina
First Place Breeder Award
MTDY X1 - DOB 4/6/2009 - Male - Standard - Class Champion
MTDY Z12 - DOB 4/29/2010 - Male - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY Z20 - DOB 7/5/2010 - Female - Standard - Class Champion
MTDY Z21 - DOB 7/5/2010 - Female - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY Z23 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Female - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY Z25 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Male - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY Z28 - DOB 8/10/2010 - Female - Standard - 3rd Place
MTDY Z34 - DOB 8/24/2010 - Female -Standard - 4th Place
MTDY Z41 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Standard- 3rd Place
MTDY Z24 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Female - White - 3rd Place
MTDY Z32 - DOB 8/22/2010 - Female - 1st, Third Best of Class
MTDY Z36 - DOB 9/7/2010 - Female - Beige - 1st Place
MTDY Z38 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Beige - 3rd Place
MTDY Z39 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Beige - 2nd Place
MTDY Z8 - DOB 4/17/2010 - Male - Black Velvet - Class Champion
MCBA Nationals
March 2011
Judges: Joe Baldwin, Beth Ann Connell
Auburn, Indiana
9th Place Standard Breeder Award
MTDY Z24 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Female - White - 3rd Place
MTDY Z42 - DOB 10/17/2010 - Male - Violet - 3rd Place
MTDY Z32 - DOB 8/27/2010 - Female - Beige - 2nd Place
MTDY Z36 - DOB 9/7/2010 - Female - Beige - 3rd Place
MTDY Z38 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Beige - 2nd Place
MTDY Z39 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Beige - 2nd Place
MTDY Z20 - DOB 7/5/2010 - Female - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY Z21 - DOB 7/5/2010 - Female - Standard - 3rd Place
MTDY Z23 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Female - Standard - 3rd Place
MTDY Z25 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Male - Standard - 3rd Place
MTDY Z34 - DOB 8/29/2010 - Female - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY Z41 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY Z8 - DOB 4/17/2010 - Male - Black Velvet - Reserve Section Champ
MTDY Z47 - DOB 11/9/2010 - Female - 1st Place
MCBA Atlantic Chapter
April 2011
Judge: Dave Woods
York, Pennsylvania
4th Place Bob Myers Breeder Award
MTDY Z24 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Female - White - 1st Place
MTDY Z42 - DOB 10/17/2010 - Male - Violet - 1A
MTDY Z32 - DOB 8/26/2010 - Female - Beige - Res Phase Champ
MTDY Z36 - DOB 9/7/2010 - Female - Beige - 3rd Place
MTDY Z38 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Beige - 2nd Place
MTDY Z39 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Beige - Reserve Section Champ
MTDY X1 - DOB 4/07/2009 - Male - Standard - Reserve Ch.Male of Show
MTDY Z9 - DOB 4/20/2010 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY Z20 - DOB 7/5/2010 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY Z21 - DOB 7/5/2010 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY Z23 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY Z34 - DOB 8/29/2010 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY Z41 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Standard Section - 3rd Place
MTDY Z8 - DOB 4/17/2010 - Male - Black Velvet - 1st Place
MTDY Z47 - DOB 11/09/2010 - Female - Ebony - Reserve Phase Champ
2nd Place Baby Derby
September 2011
Judge: Dave Woods
Port Ewen, NY
MTDY Z24 - DOB 7/11/2010 - Female - White - 3rd Place
MTDY Z32 - DOB 8/27/2010 - Female - Beige - Res Phase Champ
MTDY Z39 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Beige - Phase Champ
MTDY A4 - DOB 1/6/2011 - Female - Beige - 3rd Place
MTDY A21 - DOB 3/23/2011 - Female - Beige - 1A
MTDY A29 - DOB 4/4/2011 - Female - Beige - Phase Champ
MTDY Z21 - DOB 7/5/10 - Female - Standard - Res Phase Champ
MTDY Z34 - DOB 8/29/2010 - Female - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY Z41 - DOB 9/17/2010 - Female - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY A10 - DOB 2/4/2011 - Female - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY A12 - DOB 2/4/2011 - Male - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY A16 - DOB 2/18/11 - Female - Standard - Res Phase Champ
MTDY A32 - DOB 4/13/2011 - Male - Standard - Phase Champ
MTDY Z47 - DOB 11/9/10 - Female - Ebony - Res Section Champ
MTDY Z52 - DOB 12/21/2010 - Male - Ebony - 1st Place
MTDY Z53 - DOB 12/21/2010 - Male - Ebony - 2nd Place
MTDY A14 - DOB 2/5/2011 - Male - Ebony - 2nd Place
MCBA Ohio Claim Show
October 2011
Judges: Jim Ritterspach, Dave Woods
Plymouth, Ohio
Color Section Champion Standard Female
Reserve Color Phase Dark Ebony Male
ECBC Ohio Show
January 2012
Judge: Jim Ritterspach
Jenera, OH
5th Place Standard Breeder Award
MTDY Z39 - DOB 8/17/2010 - Female - Beige - 1st Place
MTDY A29 - DOB 4/4/2011 - Female - Beige - 2nd Place
MTDY A55 - DOB 7/26/2011 - Male - Black Velvet - 2nd Place
MTDY A16 - DOB 2/18/2011 - Female - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY A5 - DOB 1/6/2011 - Male - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY A39 - DOB 5/7/2011 - Male - Standard - 3rd Place
MTDY A51 - DOB 7/13/2011 - Male - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY Z34 - DOB 8/24/2010 - Female - Standard - 1st Place
MCBA Atlantic
April 2012
Judge: Dave Woods
State College, Pennsylvania
5th Place Bob Myer's Breeder Award
MTDY A82 - DOB 9/24/2011 - Female - White Section - 1st Place
MTDY A60 - DOB 8/14/2011 - Female - White Section - 1st Place
MTDY A68 - DOB 8/25/2011 - Female - Violet Section - 2nd Place
MTDY A84 - DOB 10/08/2011 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY A59 - DOB 8/21/2011 - Male - Standard Section - 1B
MTDY A38 - DOB 5/7/2011 - Male - Standard Section - Phase Champion
MTDY A32 - DOB 4/13/2011 - Male - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY A73 - DOB 9/15/2011 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY A55 - DOB 7/26/11 - Male - Black Velvet Section - Reserve Section
MTDY A56 - DOB 8/3/2011 - Male - Ebony Section - 2nd Place
MTDY A75 - DOB 9/22/2011 - Male - Ebony Section - 1st Place
MTDY A71 - DOB 9/05/2011 - Male - Ebony Section - 2nd Place
MTDY A24 - DOB 3/29/2011 - Female - Ebony Section - Res Phase Ch
MCBA Atlantic Chapter Show
April 2013
Judge: Brenda Walter
Milesburg, Pennsylvania
2nd Place Bob Myer's Breeder Award
MTDY A60 - DOB 8/14/11 - Female - White Section - Res Phase Champ
MTDY B49 - DOB 5/25/12 - Female - White Section - 2nd Place
MTDY B69 - DOB 6/23/12 - Male - White Section - 3rd Place
MTDY A84 - DOB 10/8/11 - Female - Standard Section - Res Phase Ch.
MTDY B104 - DOB 8/27/12 - Female - Standard Section - Section Champ
MTDY B65 - DOB 6/19/12 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY B48 - DOB 5/24/12 - Male - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY B18 - DOB 2/27/12 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY A59 - DOB 8/12/11 - Male - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B64 - DOB 6/19/12 - Male - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY B124A - DOB 12/15/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY C3 - DOB 1/17/12 - Female - Standard Section -1st Place
MTDY B38 - DOB 5/12/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B121 - DOB 10/13/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B119 - DOB 9/28/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1B
MTDY B116 - DOB 9/23/12 - Male - Standard Section - 1B
MTDY B9 - DOB 1/21/12 - Female - Black Velvet Section - Section Champ
MTDY B124 - DOB 11/26/12 - Female - Ebony Section - Phase Champion
MTDY B34 - DOB 4/29/12 - Male - Ebony Section - 2nd Place
MCBA Ohio Field Day
May 2013
Judge: Jim Ritterspach
Plymouth, Ohio
MTDY A60 - DOB 8/4/11 - Female - White Section - Section Champ
MTDY B104 - DOB 8/27/12 - Female - Standard Section - Phase Champ
MTDY B65 - DOB 6/19/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B48 - DOB 5/24/12 - Male - Standard Section - Res Phase Champ
MTDY B116 - DOB 9/23/12 - Male - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B99 - DOB 8/24/12 - Male - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY A59 - DOB 8/12/11 - Male - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B64 - DOB 6/9/12 - Male - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B38 - DOB 5/12/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B124A - DOB 12/15/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1B
MTDY B9 - DOB 1/21/12 - Female - Black Velvet Section - Section Champ
MTDY B124 - DOB 11/26/12 - Female - Ebony Section - 1st Place
MCBA South East Coastal Show
November 2013
Judge: Dave Woods
Winter Garden, Florida
MTDY C48 - DOB 5/13/13 - Female - White Section - 2nd Place
MTDY C19 - DOB 4/3/13 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY C20 - DOB 4/9/13 - Male - Standard Section - Phase Champion, 1A
MTDY C21 - DOB 4/9/13 - Female - Standard Section - 1B
MTDY C24 - DOB 4/11/13 - Female - Standard Section - 1A
MTDY B104 - DOB 8/27/12 - Female - Standard - Res Female of Show
MTDY B65 - DOB 6/9/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1A
MTDY B48 - DOB 5/24/12 - Male - Standard Section - 1B
MTDY B92 - DOB 8/12/12 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY B67 - DOB 6/21/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B119 - DOB 9/8/12 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY B116 - DOB 9/23/12 - Male - Standard Section - Res Male of Show
MTDY B99 - DOB 8/24/12 - Male - Standard Section - Phase Champion
MTDY C12 - DOB 2/27/13 - Male - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY C9 - DOB 2/14/13 - Male - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY C6 - DOB 1/23/13 - Female - Black Velvet Section - Section Champ
MCBA Nationals
March 2014
Judges: Dave Woods & Jim Ritterspach
Auburn, Indiana
7th Place Standard Breeder Award
MTDY C38 - DOB 5/13/13 - Female - White Section - 2nd Place
MTDY C72 - DOB 8/29/13 - Female - Sapphire Section - 5th Place
MTDY C80 - DOB 10/15/13 - Female - Standard Section - 1st Place
MTDY C68 - DOB 8/23/13 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY C19 - DOB 4/3/13 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY C12 - DOB 2/27/13 - Male - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY C57 - DOB 7/5/13 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY B92 - DOB 8/12/12 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY B67 - DOB 6/21/12 - Female - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY B48 - DOB 5/24/12 - Male - Standard Section - 2nd Place
MTDY C81 - DOB 11/5/13 - Female - Ebony Section - 1B
MTDY C48 - DOB 6/16/13 - Male - Ebony Section - Phase Champion
MTDY C39 - DOB 5/14/13 - Female - Ebony Section - 2nd Place
MCBA Atlantic Chapter Show
May 2014
Judge: Ralph Shoots
Milesburg, Pennsylvania
2nd Place Bob Myer's Breeder Award
MTDY C34 - DOB 5/6/13 - Male - White - 3rd Place
MTDY C38 - DOB 5/13/13 - Female - White - Reserve Phase Champ
MTDY C83 - DOB 12/09/13 - Female - Standard - Reserve Phase Champ
MTDY C84 - DOB 12/09/13 - Female - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C80 - DOB 10/15/13 - Female - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C57 - DOB 7/5/13 - Female - Standard - Reserve Phase Champion
MTDY C68 - DOB 8/23/13 - Female - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C19 - DOB 4/3/13 - Female - Standard - 3rd Place
MTDY C12 - DOB 2/27/13 - Male -Standard - Reserve Section Champion
MTDY B65 - DOB 6/19/12 - Female - Standard - Reserve Section Champ
MTDY B48 - DOB 5/24/12 - Male - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C81 - DOB 11/5/13 - Female - Ebony - Reserve Phase Champ
MTDY C39 - DOB 5/14/13 - Female - Ebony - 3rd Place
MCBA NY/NE Chapter Show
September 2014
Judge: Paul K
Fonda, New York
TIFF D5 - 3/10/14 - Female - Class 2 - Violet - Section Champion
TIFF D17 - 4/26/14 - Female - Class 2 - Beige - Section Champion
TIFF D20 - 4/26/14 - Male - Class 1 - Beige (Tan) - 1st Place
TIFF D7 - 3/10/14 - Female - Class 2 - Standard - Phase Champion
TIFF D9 - 4/11/14 - Male - Class 1 - Standard - Phase Champion
TIFF D10 - 4/11/14 - Male - Class 1 - Standard - Reserve Phase Champ
TIFF D14 - 4/22/14 - Female - Class 2 - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY C57 - 7/5/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C68 - 8/23/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C80 - 10/15/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY C83 - 12/9/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 2nd Place
MTDY C84 - 12/9/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 1st Place
TIFF D38 - 6/11/14 - Male - Ebony - 2nd Place Baby Derby Winner
MCBA South East Coastal Show
November 2014
Judge: Ann Ingram
Rock Hill, South Carolina
MTDY C76 - 9/16/13 - Female - Class 4 - White - 1st Place
TIFF D25 - 5/12/14 - Female - Class 2 - White - 2nd Place
TIFF D5 - 3/10/14 - Female - Class 4 - Violet - Section Champion
TIFF D46 - 6/27/14 - Male - Class 1 - Violet - 1st Place
TIFF D17 - 4/26/14 - Female - Class 2 - Beige - Reserve Section Champ
TIFF D20 - 4/26/14 - Male - Class 1 - Beige (Tan) - Section Champion
TIFF D38 - 6/11/14 - Male - Class 1 - Ebony - 1st Place
MTDY B65 - 6/9/12 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C19 - 4/3/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - Res Phase Champ
MTDY C21 - 4/9/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - Phase Champion
MTDY C12 - 2/21/13 - Male - Class 3 - Standard - Res Section Champ
MTDY C57 - 7/5/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C68 - 8/23/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C80 - 10/15/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 1st Place
MTDY C83 - 12/9/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - 1st Place (1B)
MTDY C84 - 12/9/13 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - Res Section Champ
TIFF D7 - 3/10/14 - Female - Class 4 - Standard - Phase Champion
TIFF D9 - 4/11/14 - Male - Class 1 - Standard - Res Grand Show Champ, Champ Male of Show
TIFF D10 - 4/11/14 - Male - Class 1 - Standard - 1st Place (1B)
TIFF D15 - 4/22/14 - Male - Class 1 - Standard - 2nd Place
TIFF D29 - 5/17/14 - Male - Class 1 - Standard - 1st Place
TIFF D30 - 5/17/14 - Male - Class 1 - Standard - 1st Place
TIFF D32 - 5/17/14 - Male - Class 1 - Standard - 1st Place
ECBC National Show
March 7th-8th, 2015
Judges: Maxine Lynch, Tamara Tucker, Gene Adcock
Lancaster, Ohio
MTDY C57 - Standard Female - 7/5/2013 - 2nd Place
MTDY C68 - Standard Female - 8/23/2013 - 1st Place
MTDY C68 - Standard Female - 8/23/2013 - 1st Place
MTDY C80 - Standard Female - 10/15/2013 - 2nd Place
MTDY C83 - Standard Female - 12/9/2013 - 1st Place
MTDY C84 - Standard Female - 12/9/2013 - 2nd Place
TIFF D9 - Standard Male - 4/11/2014 - 2nd Place
TIFF D10 - Standard Male - 4/11/2014 - 2nd Place
TIFF D14 - Standard Female - 4/22/2014 - 3rd Best of Class
TIFF D29 - Standard Male - 5/17/2014 - 1st Place
TIFF D30 - Standard Male - 5/17/2014 - 2nd Place
TIFF D54 - Standard Female - 8/16/2014 - 3rd Place
TIFF D67 - Standard Male - 9/30/2014 - 3rd Place
TIFF D17 - Beige Female - 4/26/2014 - 1st Place
MCBA NY/NE Chapter Show
September 26th, 2015
Judge: Paul K
Fonda, New York
TIFF D22 - Standard Male - 8/16/2014 - 1st Place
TIFF D64 - Standard Female - 9/29/2014 - 1st Place
TIFF D65 - Standard Female - 9/29/2014 - 1st Place
TIFF D66 - Standard Female - 9/29/2014 - 2nd Place
TIFF E5 - Standard Female - 2/6/2015 - Phase Champion
TIFF E6 - Standard Female - 2/6/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E16 - Standard Female - 3/10/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E17 - Standard Male - 3/10/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E18 - Standard Female - 3/10/2015 - Reserve Phase Champ
TIFF E19 - Standard Male - 3/10/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E20 - Standard Female - 3/25/2015 - 1B (First Place B)
TIFF E21 - Standard Male - 3/25/2015 - Reserve Phase Champion
TIFF E23 - Standard Male - 3/28/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E53 - Black Velvet Female - 5/17/2015 - 2nd Place
ECBC Southern Atlantic Branch Show
January 9th, 2016
Judge: Gary Neubauer
Roxboro, North Carolina
2nd Place Standard Breeder Award
2nd Place Mutation Breeder Award
TIFF D54 - Standard Female - 8/16/2014 - 3rd Place
TIFF D55 - Standard Male - 8/16/2014 - 2nd Place
TIFF D64 - Standard Female - 9/29/2014 - 2nd Place
TIFF D65 - Standard Female - 9/29/2014 - 3rd Best of Class
TIFF D66 - Standard Female - 9/29/2014 - 2nd Place
TIFF D67 - Standard Male - 9/30/2014 - 1st Place
TIFF E5 - Standard Female - 2/6/2015 - Reserve Class Champ
TIFF E6 - Standard Female - 2/6/2015 - 3rd Best of Class
TIFF E16 - Standard Female - 3/10/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E17 - Standard Male - 3/10/2015 - Class Champion
TIFF E18 - Standard Female - 3/10/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E19 - Standard Male - 3/10/2015 - Class Champ
TIFF E20 - Standard Female - 3/25/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E21 - Standard Male - 3/25/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E42 - Standard Male - 4/26/2015 - Class Champion
TIFF E48 - Standard Male - 5/03/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E49 - Standard Female - 5/03/2015 - Res. Class Champ
TIFF E66 - Standard Female - 6/27/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E89 - Standard Male - 8/04/2015 - 3rd Place
TIFF E93 - Standard Female - 8/15/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E22 - White Female - 3/26/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E26 - White Male - 3/29/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E29 - - White Male - 4/03/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E30 - White Male - 4/03/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E31 - White Female - 4/03/2015 - 4th Place
TIFF E38 - White Male - 4/23/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E92 - White Female - 8/9/2015 - 3rd Place
TIFF E97 - White Male - 8/15/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E59 - Sapphire Female - 06/02/2015 - Reserve Class Champ
TIFF D82 - TOV Violet Male - 12/26/2015 - 3rd Best of Show, Class Chmp
TIFF E35 - TOV Violet Female - 4/15/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E53 - Black Velvet Female - 05/17/2015 - 3rd Place
MCBA Atlantic Show
April 16th, 2016
Judge: Rich Ryerson
Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania
1st Place Bob Myer's Breeder Award
TIFF E29 - TOV Mosaic Male - 4/3/2015 - Res. Section Champ
TIFF D64 - Standard Female - 9/29/2014 - 1st Place
TIFF D65 - Standard Female - 9/29/2014 - Res. Phase Champ
TIFF E5 - Standard Female - 2/6/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E6 - Standard Female - 2/6/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E19 - Standard Male - 3/10/2015 - Res. Champ Male of Show, Sec Champ
TIFF E25 - Standard Female - 3/28/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E73 - Standard Female - 7/15/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E89 - Standard Female - 8/4/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E90 - Standard Female - 8/4/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E93 - Standard Female - 8/15/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E95 - Standard Male - 8/15/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E106 - Standard Male - 11/13/2015 - 1st Place
TIFF E109 - Standard Female - 11/15/2015 - 1st Place (1B)
MCBA South East Coastal Show
November 12th, 2016
Judge: Maxine Lynch
Winter Garden, FL
TIFF F74 - White Male - 6/22/2016 - Reserve Section Champion
TIFF F28 - White Female - 4/13/2016 - 3rd Place
TIFF E48 - Standard Male - 5/3/2015 - 2nd Place
TIFF E105 - Standard Female - 10/28/2015 - Grand Show Champion, Champion Female of Show
TIFF F2 - Standard Male - 1/20/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F5 - Standard Male - 2/23/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F10 - Standard Male - 3/6/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F12 - Standard Male - 3/10/2016 - 1st Place (1B)
TIFF F16 - Standard Male - 3/27/2016 - Phase Champion, (1A)
TIFF F17 - Standard Male - 3/27/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F45 - Standard Female - 4/23/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F46 - Standard Male - 4/28/2016 - Reserve Phase Champion
TIFF F55 - Standard Female - 5/10/2016 - 2nd Place
ECBC Southern Atlantic Branch
January 7th, 2017
Judge: Daniel Jensen
Roxboro, NC
2nd Place Standard Breeder Award
4th Place Mutation Breeder Award
TIFF E105 - Standard Female - 10/28/2015 - Third Best of Show
TIFF F2 - Standard Male - 1/20/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F4 - Standard Female - 2/23/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F5 - Standard Male - 2/23/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F10 - Standard Male - 3/6/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F12 - Standard Male - 3/10/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F16 - Standard Male - 3/27/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F17 - Standard Male - 3/27/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F45 - Standard Female - 4/23/2016 - Third Best of Class
TIFF F46 - Standard Male - 4/28/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F52 - Standard Male - 4/29/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F55 - Standard Female - 5/10/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F56 - Standard Female - 5/12/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F57 - Standard Male - 5/12/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F63 - Standard Male - 5/29/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F64 - Standard Male - 5/29/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F65 - Standard Male - 6/8/2016 - 3rd Place
TIFF F71 - Standard Male - 6/16/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F77 - Standard Female - 7/17/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F84 - Standard Male - 8/10/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F28 - White Female - 4/13/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F74 - White Male - 6/22/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F75 - White Male - 6/30/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F72 - Violet Female - 6/21/2016 - 3rd Place
TIFF F67 - Beige Male - 6/10/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F68 - Beige Male - 6/10/2016 - 1st Place
TIFF F69 - Beige Female - 6/16/2016 - 2nd Place
TIFF F13 - Black Velvet Female - 3/18/2016 - Reserve Class Champion
TIFF F49 - Black Velvet Female - 4/29/2016 - 1st Place